Monday, September 7, 2009

Back at it

Tomorrow is the first day back to work after a long, not so nice summer. Most of the time the weather was too wet or too hot and with the humidity the hot was also wet. I am glad to be going back to work because I miss having that routine every day and the weekends feel special; unlike the summer where one day is the same as the next.

I have also decided that I have to get myself in shape. I'm tired of feeling pain all the time when I know it's just a matter of losing some weight. So even though my feet start to hurt after about 10 minutes of walking and my knees start to scream obscenities at me, I will walk!! I have to take it slow and not push myself to hard or I'll give up before I can say I gave it a good try.

Today was the first walk and my goal is to walk 3 days a week for the month of Sept. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, I will park my bus down at the mall after delivering all the kids to school and go for my walk. Each week I will increase the time/distance of my walk. I will always carry my backpack too because it keeps me balanced and my back doesn't hurt.

I took the camera with me this morning and got some great shots (I hope) of a falcon sitting in it's nest and then again in flight. The pics will be uploaded later when I have a chance to put them on the computer.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Another day, another picture...or 2 or 3 ;-)

I haven't been very good at keeping this blog updated but I'm going to try....again LOL! Today I went up to Mactaquac to get some pics using the new lens I bought.

OMG what fun!! Even though I didn't have a clue what I was doing, I did manage to get some good shots!!

This one is a shot of the back of the hotel up there. I took it from over at the park. When I was taking the pic I didn't notice that someone was sitting on the dock.

This little guy caught my eye because of his bright, beautiful colours. In the sunlight he shimmered greens and blues.

Nature is beginning to show her fall colours!

About Me

My photo
NB, Canada
I am the mother of 3 grown children and the grandmother of 3 little children. New Brunswick has been my home since 1985 but I was born and raised in Dartmouth NS. Since my accident last year I've not been riding so I've had to find other ways to de-clutter my head; scrapbooking has been a great hobby and now that I have a new camera I have been playing at being a photographer. There is a lot to learn but I have lots of time to learn it and I'm loving the pictures I take.
